Friday, October 22, 2010

It's been a while.

It's 6oclock, and I am not sleeping. This is terrible.

I had to bring my parents to the airport so I'm wide awake now. Wide-awake is probably an overstatement. Sleeping doesn't sound too bad, but I've been meaning to type one of these out for a while, just haven't gotten around to it.

You know when people used to say, "take advantage of high school?" They weren't kidding. Sure in terms of friends and the community, etc. I've already discovered that they're right. HOWEVER, I did not know - was not prepared that university would be so different from grade 12 academically. Looking back on it, grade 12 was probably one of my easiest years - haha. Slacking off, chillin' in the pod, study breaks, being MIA in classes and chillin' in the bio lab...oh the good ol' days. Now....true, my life isn't that hard, but it just feels like you never really get a break on the homework load. Things just keep piling up. Before you hand one thing in, the next assignment criteria is already up. Assignments are going on as your studying for midterms. Reading after reading, papers papers papers. Yuck. Plus, wow, I have never written such a terrible paper in my life. It's depressing.

I've never been amazing at school, but I've never really been bad at it either. I'm pretty mediocre academically, but I've always seen myself as a little better than average in terms of grades. Not necessarily at the top, but not necessarily at average. But now...I'm definitely not sitting nice and pretty like I used to. I didn't expect it AT ALL.

It'd be one thing if it was just me - yeah, I guess it wouldn't be the biggest surprise seeing as I just said that I'm not the smartest cookie around, but to see all the people around me struggling as much as I am, and getting low(er) grades is really sad. Not in the way that I'm judging them, but just makes me even more depressed - as in, if EVERYONE is doing that bad, is there any hope for me? HAHA, shoot.

...I'm not even in sciences.
Like I told D, I'm justifying this my telling myself that it was my first university paper. I'll do better next time.....
I think the worst part about university is everything is worth so FREAKING much. One paper is worth 15 percent of my grade. Each mark I lose is one percent of my grade. My midterms are 25. That means....each freaking essay was like 12.5 percent each. Each word was probably worth a quarter of a percent or something. That's pretty....sucky. I hate it.

In terms of independence, university is way better. Meeting new people, new environments, etc. But I'd rather be acing everything with flying colours. I'm gonna go to I can wake up and cram a bunch of complex chemistry into my brain for my chem midterm on Monday.

What I'm really saying is, goodbye social life.
Hahaha, again, shooot.

I'd be dying if I wasn't going to school with some of the girls. <3
Pray for my chem midterm, yuck.
...and some more motivation wouldn't hurt either.
Also, back to work next week. Sweet...kinda. Not really.


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