Friday, September 10, 2010


I know I said I would read my philosophy hw on the skytrain today, but I can't help but sit here and relish the fact that it is friday. I only have a fifty minute class today, then I can officially say that I have gotten through my first week of university. Granted, it wasn't technically a full week since.....we had labour day off AND there were no tutorials - but hey, who's really counting? Haha

I forgot to mention that yesterday included probably the worse skytrain experience of my life. I came to two conclusions: it's not the best idea to skytrain during rush hour, and people need to learn the importance of deodorant. Oh, I'll make that three conclusions - if you are going to skytrain during rush hour on a hot day, don't buy hot coffee.

I need to make a transfer - haha, hang on.


To continue on with my play-by-play, I barely caught that bus. Hahaha but its all good.

Anyways, I'm gonna try and tap into something more pensive....haha.

I've been sitting here for at least ten minutes trying to come up with something worthwhile - but I can't really think of anything else besides this whole university experience and I guess a little bit of sadness at having to let high school go.

But as much as I miss high school, I'm pretty happy with where things are at. I mean, like I said, I miss the structure, but I think more than anything, I just miss the familiarity - with everything. Like my surroundings, the atmosphere and especially the people. Its sad that the only contact I really ever have with my friends that don't go to sfu is bbm or texting now - or facebook if that. Wonder of all wonders I hardly ever go on facebook anymore - haha imagine that.

Maybe, its more that I miss being able to just do nothing all day, you know? Wake up and walk next door, or down the street to see a friend. Or sit at starbucks with my friends for hours and just talk about nothing in particular - not that that's impossible now - since granted, my life isn't really that hard. But in between school, almost two hours of transitting each way, working (17 hrs this week), doing (already) wackloads of reading and some other homework I should start on, spending time with the fam, sleeping and some other stuff ;), sitting at starbucks for hours on end isn't a high priority - haha.

Like I said, TGIF.
Also, I'm pretty sure its payday today, which is just a cherry on top. I love cherries.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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